Art & Design - Year 8

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
KnowledgeTim Burton: Students look at the relationship between character personality and drawn appearance. Students develop their own characters and learn how to transform their designs into puppets.Miro Sculpture: Students are introduced to non representational artwork. Students look into kinesthesia and how music can influence shape. Students learn how to create sculptures from their drawingsMDOD Skull Designs: Students are introduced to the cultural celebration of Mexican Day of the Dead. Students use imagery that they researched to influence their own sugar skull designs.MDOD Printing: Students use their sugar skull designs (spring 1) to inform a two layer print using poly lino sheets. Students look into how to simplify their original designs ready for printing.Gaudi Clay: Students use the work of Gaudi and the architecture designed in Barcelona to inform a mosaic clay outcome. Students learn to manipulate clay to create successful 3D outcomes.Dardik Still Life: Students use the playful work of Helen Dardik to explore drawing from objects. Students are encouraged to blend reality with imagination, learning how to use colour to add more interest, and additional shape to create playful outcomes. Students are encouraged to select media that best suits their style
High frequency vocabulary and grammatical structures taughtPuppet, articulated, gothic, pen and wash, sketch, line, mark making, design, character, design brief Composition, analysis, synthesia, surrealism, abstract art, Three dimensional, sculpture, amatuer, primary colours, mark making symmetry, charcoal, tonal range, symmbolism, sugar skull, proportion, tradition, festival, marigold, dia de los muertostwo layer print, printing plate, ink, simplify, pattern, contasting colours, repeat, sugar skull, symmetry, blott Architecture, structure, moasic, design, manipulate, clay, tile, slip and score, animal Still life, composition, ink and wash, limited colour pallette, colour theory, acrylic paint, neagtive space, illustration, surreal
AssessmentAssessment runs over 4 assesssment objectives, this runs in line with the style of assessment candidates experience at GCSE. Projects recieve an overall grade, marks for each AO is taken into account when marking, each assessment objective is weighed at 25%. AO1 (Research)- Burton research page, AO3 (emulating) Burton copy, AO2 (experiment) Puppet design, AO4 (final outcome) Puppet Assessment runs over 4 assesssment objectives, this runs in line with the style of assessment candidates experience at GCSE. Projects recieve an overall grade, marks for each AO is taken into account when marking, each assessment objective is weighed at 25%. AO1 (Research) Miro research page, AO2 (emulating) Miro copy, AO3 (experiment) synthesia mark making, AO4 (final outcome) sculpture Assessment runs over 4 assesssment objectives, this runs in line with the style of assessment candidates experience at GCSE. Projects recieve an overall grade, marks for each AO is taken into account when marking, each assessment objective is weighed at 25%. AO1 (Research) Research page AO3 (emulating) observational skull drawing AO2 (experiment) flower layering AO4 (final outcome) suagr skull design Assessment runs over 4 assesssment objectives, this runs in line with the style of assessment candidates experience at GCSE. Projects recieve an overall grade, marks for each AO is taken into account when marking, each assessment objective is weighed at 25%. AO2 (experiment) printing plate creation, AO4 (final outcome) 4 x skull poly print Assessment runs over 4 assesssment objectives, this runs in line with the style of assessment candidates experience at GCSE. Projects recieve an overall grade, marks for each AO is taken into account when marking, each assessment objective is weighed at 25%. AO1 (Research) Gaudi Research page AO3 (emulating) Gaudi design AO2 Clay material test (experiment) AO4 (final outcome) clay tile Assessment runs over 4 assesssment objectives, this runs in line with the style of assessment candidates experience at GCSE. Projects recieve an overall grade, marks for each AO is taken into account when marking, each assessment objective is weighed at 25%. AO1 (Research) Dardik research page AO3 (emulating) Dardik copy AO2 (experiment) White on black painting AO4 (final outcome) A3 Dardik style painting
Cultural Capital
Cross Curricular Links
Career links explored: Artist, Illustrator, Puppeteer Cross curricular links: English- character descriptions Career links explored: Sculptor, 3D design Cross curricular links: Maths- Geometric shapes Culture Capital: Mexican festival- mexican day of the dead, Cross curricular links: Spanish- same topic exploredCulture Capital: Mexican festival- mexican day of the dead, Cross curricular links: Spanish- same topic exploredCulture Capital: Barcelona- Gaudi's Cathedral, Career links explored: Architecture, ceramicist, 3D design, structural engineer Career links explored: Illustrator, Artist