School lockers are provided, managed and maintained by Secure Lockers Rentals - an external company who specialise in providing lockers for schools and colleges.
Locker rental costs £30 per academic year. To rent one for your child, simply visit www.locker.rentals to select your locker and make payment by debit/credit card. Once payment is received, the combination for your locker is sent to you via text or email.
Forgotten codes can be requested by visiting the same website and clicking on the ‘Re-issue My Locker Code’ link.
If you experience any problems with the online rental system, please contact Locker Rentals directly using the support portal on their website, or by phone on 0330 311 1003.
Students should report any problems to the main school office.
Students in receipt of Pupil Premium may be eligible for financial assistance. Please email office@sirthomasfremantle.org to make a request.