Exam Information
Information for Candidates
Sir Thomas Fremantle School is bound by the regulations set out by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), which determines the regulations for examination conditions, results and certification.
All students preparing to take exams must familiarise themselves with the following documents.
For further information, please visit the JCQ or Ofqual websites.
Collection of Results
Students should, whenever possible, attend school in person to collect their results. Summer 2025 examination results are scheduled for Thursday 21st August 2025. Details about collection procedures will be provided nearer the time.
If collection in person is not possible the following options are available by prior arrangement:
Results sent by post: This must be organised with the Exams Officer in advance of the official results day. Students requesting this service must provide a stamped (postage paid), self-addressed envelope in which their results can be posted. The Exams Officer will post the results on the official results day.
Nominated person to collect the results on the student's behalf: The student must provide the person collecting their results, with a dated and signed letter that gives them the appropriate authority to do so. The letter must state the full name of the person collecting the results and that they have the student's full permission to do so. The nominated person must then attend school, with the letter and formal photographic proof of their identity.
Examination results can not be given to a third party unless they have the appropriate written permission from the student concerned and can provide the required photographic proof of identity.
Exam Certificate Collection
We are bound by JCQ’s regulations, which stipulate that certificates need to be collected in person and signed for. We are unable to post certificates.
Students can collect their certificates from Reception by arrangement with the Exams Officer. Please email exams@sirthomasfremantle.org giving at least 24 hours notice. (We are unable to make certificates available without prior notice.)
Students can authorise a third party to collect certificates on their behalf. The nominated person should be named in the email and bring photographic identification when they collect the certificates.
Certificates will be kept securely for three years from the date of issue. Uncollected certificates will be destroyed after this time.
Replacement Certificates
Information regarding replacement certificates can be found here.