Uniform & Equipment
School uniform develops a sense of loyalty to the community which students are members, and encourages them to take a pride in their appearance. All students are expected to wear full uniform on the way to and from school.
We have kept the compulsory items of branded uniform to a minimum to enable you to source the items required as cost effectively as possible.
Pre-loved uniform is available to purchase directly from our online shop.
School Uniform
Available from T King Associates in Buckingham.
Available from T King Associates in Buckingham.
Ties must be at the top button of shirts with at least five stripes visible. (The 5th stripe can be partially visible.) -
Standard school shirt.
Shirts must have a collar designed to be worn with a tie, and tucked in to trousers/skirts.
A white t-shirt can be worn underneath in colder weather but this should not be visible. -
Standard school trousers or skirt.
They must be grey not black, and tailored - not stretchy fabric.
Skin tight/skinny, jean or legging style trousers are not permitted.
Lycra, mini or tight skirts are not permitted.
Skirt length must finish below the tips of the students fingers when their arms are hanging straight by their sides. -
‘Fluffy’, white, or any other colour socks/tights are not acceptable.
Shoes should be polishable with a black/grey sole.
Trainer style shoes are not acceptable.
STFS branded jumpers are available from T King Associates in Buckingham.
Any unbranded navy or black v-neck school jumper can be worn.
Sweatshirt styles are not acceptable.
A jumper should be worn underneath a blazer. A jumper cannot be worn instead of a blazer. -
Polo shirts are only permitted in the second half of the Summer term, once Mr Murphy has communicated this with parents.
Ties do not need to be worn with polo shirts.
STFS branded polo shirts are available from T King Associates in Buckingham.
Please refer to the image below for examples of acceptable school shoes.
Students who arrive to school in trainers without a medical reason for doing so will be required to use the school’s ‘Swap Shop’ and trade their trainers for black plimsoles for the day.
Sports Kit
Items marked with a * are compulsory.
Available from SWI Schoolwear. -
STFS branded shorts are available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy sports shorts are acceptable. -
Available from SWI Schoolwear. -
Optional but strongly recommended for Winter months.
STFS branded tracksuit bottoms are available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy tracksuit bottoms are acceptable. -
STFS PE socks are available from both T King Associates and SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy sports socks are acceptable - they must be suitable for wear with shin pads. -
Plain white sports socks.
Trainer liners are not acceptable. -
Any colour is permitted.
High-tops are not acceptable. -
For use on the astro pitch and sports field.
Any colour is permitted. -
Compulsory - students will not be permitted to take part without the necessary safety equipment.
Available form T King Associates in Buckingham but any shin pads are acceptable. -
Compulsory - students will not be permitted to take part without the necessary safety equipment.
Available from T King Associates in Buckingham but any mouthguard or gum shield is acceptable. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Winter months.
STFS branded fleece available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy or black fleece or sweatshirt is acceptable.
Hoodies are not permitted. -
Optional but recommended for the Winter months.
STFS branded raincoats are available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy or black lightweight waterproof jacket is acceptable. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Winter months.
Any plain navy or black thermal base layers are acceptable. -
Optional but recommended for the Winter months.
Any plain navy or black winter hat and/or gloves are acceptable. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Summer months.
Any plain navy nor black sun hat or cap is acceptable.
Available from SWI Schoolwear. -
STFS branded skorts and shorts are available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy sports skort or shorts are acceptable. -
Available from SWI Schoolwear. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Winter months.
Available from T King Associates
Unbranded leggings are not permitted as the quality of the fabrics used to make leggings and their transparency can vary significantly. -
Optional but strongly recommended for Winter months.
STFS branded tracksuit bottoms are available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy tracksuit bottoms are acceptable. -
STFS PE socks are available from both T King Associates and SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy sports socks are acceptable - they must be suitable for wear with shin pads. -
Plain white sports socks.
Trainer liners are not acceptable. -
Any colour is permitted.
High-tops are not acceptable. -
For use on the astro pitch and sports field.
Any colour is permitted. -
Compulsory - students will not be permitted to take part without the necessary safety equipment.
Available form T King Associates in Buckingham but any shin pads are acceptable. -
Compulsory - students will not be permitted to take part without the necessary safety equipment.
Available from T King Associates in Buckingham but any mouthguard or gum shield is acceptable. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Winter months.
STFS branded fleece available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy or black fleece or sweatshirt is acceptable.
Hoodies are not permitted. -
Optional but recommended for the Winter months.
STFS branded raincoats are available from SWI Schoolwear but any plain navy or black lightweight waterproof jacket is acceptable. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Winter months.
Any plain navy or black thermal base layers are acceptable. -
Optional but recommended for the Winter months.
Any plain navy or black winter hat and/or gloves are acceptable. -
Optional but strongly recommended for the Summer months.
Any plain navy nor black sun hat or cap is acceptable.
Please refer to the image below for examples of acceptable shoes for our astro pitch and sports field.
Uniform Ordering
STFS Branded Uniform can be purchased from one of two suppliers:
T King Associates
Blazers, Ties, Jumpers, White Polo Shirts, Sports Socks & Leggings
SWI Schoolwear
Sports Kit (except leggings)
Sizing guides for both suppliers can be found at the bottom of this page.
Additional Information
Coats must not be worn in the school building. They should be stored in a locker or bag.
All lockers can be padlocked. -
Haircuts should not be extreme and any dyed hair should be of a natural colour.
Long hair must be tied up for PE and practical Science lessons. -
Make-up should be minimal and natural.
Should be natural, cut short and have no nail polish on.
With the exception of a wristwatch and a single stud piercing in each ear, jewellery, should not be worn. Students should not wear rings.
STFS is a ‘no phones’ school.
Students should switch off their phone and store it securely in their padlocked locker.
Phones will be confiscated if used on the school site during the school day.
It is essential that students are always properly prepared with the equipment they need to aid their learning.
The following items should be brought to school each day:
School bag - an appropriate size to carry the required equipment and protect a Chromebook. (A small purse or handbag is not appropriate.)
A Chromebook (please click here for more information.)
Pens & pencils for writing
Coloured pens/pencils
Eraser & Pencil sharpener
Scientific calculator
Geometry kit (protractor & compass)
Reading book
Reusable water bottle
Some subjects may require specific equipment, particularly from Y10. We will inform you when this is necessary.
Financial assistance may be provided in certain circumstances. Please contact us if you are experiencing difficulties purchasing uniform for your child.