School Transport
The majority of our students walk or cycle to school, or travel from the surrounding villages, Buckingham and Aylesbury by bus.
Our school buses are managed by Buckinghamshire Council, and their School Transport Team are best placed to assist you with all your enquiries. You'll find the most up-to-date information on their website.
Here are some links to the most commonly used pages to help you.
The main School Transport page
Routes & Timetables for the Council-run school buses
School Transport FAQs
Contact the School Transport Team at Buckinghamshire Council
They also provide some really useful information for alternative travel options, including details of public and commercially run services.
Other school transport options
If you choose to bring your child to school and/or collect them by car, please be aware that we have very limited space in our car park. We ask that you do not park on the main road outside of school and encourage parents and carers to drop off and pick up their children away from the school and allowing them to walk the remaining distance.However, please ensure you stop safely, and are considerate of our neighbours and their homes.