A Challenging Curriculum
Our aim is to provide a balanced curriculum to prepare our students for future success and the world of work. Our key curriculum principles are to ensure core knowledge and skills are embedded through subject content to enable students to develop into good citizens and effectively engage in world beyond school.
We want our students to share our love of learning through exciting, enriching and engaging opportunities. A space where they feel both equally challenged and supported to BUILD RESILIENCE by taking risks and being brave decision makers.
Fostering a culture of honest and positive attitudes enables students to see what it is like to HAVE INTEGRITY. Enabling them to have accountability for their actions, be respectful to others, and have a strong commitment to their own learning
Through careful sequencing and mapping our subject specific curriculum is built on substantive and disciplinary knowledge to allow students to access key concepts and engage in its applications. Where appropriate subjects ensure cross curricular links are mapped in tandem within the curriculum to complement the delivery. This provides a platform of high expectations where all students, regardless of their ability can AIM FOR SUCCESS and achieve their potential.
Beyond our subject curriculum lies our complimentary curriculum, which underpins all other learning within the school context including spiritual, moral, social and cultural. We create opportunities for students to DEVELOP EMPATHY through the sense of our school community.
Our culture is underpinned by the modern British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and values.
For further information, please contact our Assistant Headteacher Mrs Kayleigh Shaw at kayleigh.shaw@sirthomasfremantle.org