Our Vision & Values
Sir Thomas Fremantle School will enable all learners to RISE to the challenge of unlocking their potential and securing exciting futures.
Our vision is lived through partnerships between staff, students and their families.
As staff:
We know the RESILIENCE of our community is strengthened by the certainty that we are trusted and valued members of a greater whole. We are what we stand for, and who stands with us.
We value INTEGRITY in our relationships and in the effort we expend on our work. We use evidence informed pedagogies to deliver highly effective teaching and learning.
We value SUCCESS in all its forms. We are wildly ambitious in our desire to support pupil progress regardless of their starting points.
Our EMPATHY for one another means we understand the unique qualities of all our community. We know that to act with empathy towards others allows other to show empathy towards us.
As students:
We build RESILIENCE through taking risks in our learning, be willing to adapt when changes happen, and believing we can always do more.
We have INTEGRITY through exceptional effort in how we present ourselves and our work. We take care of our school and community, take responsibility for our own actions and wear our unform with pride.
We are SUCCESSFUL, because we have the belief we can succeed and are ready to learn. We use all opportunities to build knowledge both in and outside of school.
We develop EMPATHY by making time to understand and support others, celebrate differences and use these connections to promote personal growth.