The School Day
The school is open for students from 8.00am each morning. Students arriving earlier than 8.00am will not be able to enter the building.
Breakfast is served in the canteen from 8.00am if required. A selection of pastries, bacon and sausage baps, cereals, porridge, yoghurt and fruit are available.
Most students arrive around 8.15am and all students must be in their tutor groups by 8.30am for morning registration.
Our day is split in to five, 60 minute lessons with a 30 minute tutor time session at the beginning of each day. Our timetable provides 27.5 hours of teaching time per week.
Students should leave school and make their way home when the last lesson of the day finishes at 3.10pm, unless they are staying on site for after-school clubs and activities.
The school site closes at 4.30pm.