SEND & Inclusion
Welcome to our dedicated SEND and Inclusion page. Here you can access information about how we support SEND at Sir Thomas Fremantle School.
Since 2022 the SEND department has been led by Fiona Ell and her exceptionally dedicated team. The team comprises of Harriet Bartley (Inclusion Manager), Chloe Jones (Interventions Manager), Debbie Parker (SEND and Safeguarding Administrator), Vicki Dimmock (LSA), Verity Ellis (LSA), Ms Erin Watson (LSA) and Molly Windsor (LSA).
Fiona Ell
SENDCO & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Harriet Bartley
Inclusion Manager
Chloe Jones
Interventions Manager
Debbie Parker
SEND Admin Support
Sophie Carter
Learning Support Assistant
Vicki Dimmock
Learning Support Assistant
Verity Ellis
Learning Support Assistant
Saskia Stanger
Learning Support Assistant
Olivia Thomas
Learning Support Assistant
Erin Watson
Learning Support Assistant
Molly Windsor
Learning Support Assistant
The School SEND Policy
At STFS our vision is that all students at STFS will RISE to the challenge. This will be lived through partnerships between staff, students and their families.
We aim to:
Identify and overcome barriers to learning and participation for students with SEND.
Enable students to participate in an accessible, broad and balanced curriculum with the appropriate adaptations in place.
Value and encourage the contribution of all students to school life.
Work in partnership with parents and carers, with an appreciation that they know their student best.
Work closely with external support agencies, where appropriate, to support the need of individual students.
Ensure that all staff have access to training linked to identified needs to support quality teaching and learning for all.
The school SEND Policy is reviewed every year and revised in discussion with parents/carers, pupils, staff and governors.
Local Authorities have a duty to publish a Local Offer, setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available in their area across education, health and social care for any child with SEND. To see Bucks Local Offer click here.
As part of the local offer, STFS publishes its SEND Information Report – it is updated each year and is co-produced with parents/carers and pupils of STFS.
Other relevant information:
Pupils with an EHCP and pupils who are SEND Support (K code) will have a personalised Learning Plan. Students who are being Monitored will have a Pupil Passport. All Learning Plans and Passports can be accessed by parents online. If you require an access code, please contact your child’s Form Tutor.
All teachers have access. The SEND Team review progress against targets each term. To do this they will meet 1-2-1 with the student and gather views from parents/carers and teachers. The final review will then be communicated home.
If you have a concern about progress in a particular subject, please contact the teacher or head of department.
For any general queries or if you would like to provide us with any updates, please use Provision Map.
Please contact the SEND Team at sendco@sirthomasfremantle.org
Additional Information for Parents
We are keen to ensure that you, as parents/carers have a wealth of information on how to support your child at home.
SEND abbreviations you may come across
Access Arrangements and Interventions
Parents Guide to Provision Map
Buckinghamshire CC has a fantastic website signposting support under each area of need, which can be accessed here.
For information about the Bucks Integrated SEND service, click here.
Parents also have access to the iSEND support line; if you would like to speak to someone about support for your child click here to find out more.
For further resources and signposting, click on the images below under each area of need.
Transition at STFS
We pride ourselves on the support we give to students transitioning from primary school. In 2023 STFS welcomed students from over 30 different primary feeder schools. In order to ensure students with SEND are best supported, STFS opens the dialogue with primary schools as soon as placements are announced. Additional visits are arranged by the SEND department to meet those students with SEND who are joining us in the September. Furthermore, we ask feeder schools to advise us which students would benefit from transition visits in addition to the scheduled transition days.