Medical Needs
At STFS we pride ourselves on the care we provide to students with medical conditions. It's so important that parents and students have confidence in us to provide effective support and that the students themselves feel safe.
Managing a medical condition while attending school and maintaining studies can be a difficult balance for some students. At STFS they are fully supported, so they can enjoy the same opportunities as any other student and access all aspects of their education.
Our full-time Medical Officer - Rachael Arthur, or our First Aid Team are always available to provide assistance to students if required, and can implement a variety of measures to ensure medical conditions have as minimal impact on school life as possible.
There are several forms on this page that you can use to keep us informed of any new or changing medical conditions, or give consent for medications. Completion of any one of these forms will prompt a call or email from our Medical Officer. However, if there is anything you would like to discuss, please phone the office on 01296 711853 or email medical@sirthomasfremantle.org to arrange a meeting.
If your child has a new medical condition, you'd like to update us about an existing one or your child is new to the school. Please complete this form as fully as possible and our Medical Officer will contact you to discuss your child's needs if required/requested.
Please use this form to give consent for your child to receive their medication at school.
All medicines are kept in a secure cupboard and administered by our Medical Officer when required. For safety reasons, students are NOT permitted to keep medicines on their person at school.
(Automatic Adrenaline Injectors (Epi-Pens) and Asthma Inhalers are exempt with parental consent - please complete the relevant form for these via the website, as these conditions require some extra permissions.)
Please complete this form if your child has been prescribed an Asthma Inhaler.
Please complete this form if your child has any sort of allergy, regardless of how mild it is.
School Trip Medication Consent Form
Please use this form to give consent for your child to receive their medication while on a school trip. All medicines are kept securely by the lead teacher. For safety reasons, students are NOT permitted to keep medicines on their person.