
We are exceptionally proud of our school and encourage families interested in joining us to come and view the school during the day, so that they get a genuine feel for the environment around the school, and experience a ‘normal’ school day. Please let us know if there are any specific subject lessons you would like to see, or anything you’d like explained in more details and we can make sure it’s covered during your tour.

To book a tour, please contact our Admissions Officer at

We also host an Open Evening at the beginning of October each year, where prospective families can view each department, meet with our staff and take part in activities throughout the school. Please refer to our calendar for the date of our next Open Evening.

Year 7 Applications

We welcome 150 students to Year 7 each September - split into six classes of 25 students.

All our Year 7 applications are co-ordinated and managed by the Buckinghamshire School Admissions team. You will find all the information you need to make an application on their website, but please do contact us if you have specific questions regarding the school.

Key Dates for September 2026 Year 7 Intake

(Exact dates TBC)

September 2025
Online applications open

2nd October 2025
STFS Open Evening

September 2025
Secondary Transfer Test

October 2025
Secondary Transfer Test results day

31st October 2025
Deadline to submit your child’s application

March 2026
School offer day

If you do not live in Buckinghamshire, please contact your local council for guidance as the dates and procedures may be different.

Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admission number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below:

1. Admission of students with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) where STFS is named as the provider.

2. Looked after children and children who have been adopted (or made subject to residence orders or special guardianship orders) immediately after being looked after.

3. Children whose siblings currently attend the school and who will continue to do so on the date of admission.

4. Children of members of staff.

5. Children living closest to STFS, based on straight-line distance from home to school.

Please see our Admissions Policy for full details of how we will allocate places in the likely event that we are oversubscribed. 

In Year Applications

Our in-year admissions and waiting lists are also managed by the Buckinghamshire School Admissions team. If you are considering applying for a place with us, please contact us in the first instance to view the school (we can advise you on any spaces available) and then complete the application process via the Buckinghamshire School Admissions website.