

The French Curriculum has been designed with the following aims in mind: 

  • To be truly inclusive and support our department vision of “languages for all” so that all students succeed in French 

  • To challenge our students by making French the main mode of communication in the classroom  

  • To encourage the ability to speak spontaneously in French early on 

  • To learn the phonetic patterns of the language in order to develop excellent pronunciation  

  • To explicitly teach strategies to approach the key, transferable skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing as well as vocabulary learning and dictionary skills so that STF students have the tools to become successful and resilient life-long linguists  

  • To teach high-frequency vocabulary and grammatical structures (carefully chosen and sequenced thus paving the way for GCSE success)  

  • To teach the expression of opinions and justifications  

  • To expose students to the culture of the francophone world to inspire a sense of awe, wonder and empathy of otherness 

Resources: we follow the Studio and Dynamo textbooks  

Curriculum Journey

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Year Group Specific Information