
Our PSHE education at Sir Thomas Fremantle is embedded within our whole curriculum throughout core our values but is focused and implemented within our tutor programme. It is designed to build knowledge, understanding and skills in preparation for student’s lives, both present and future. It adopts the qualities and attributes students need to flourish as individuals in society. Our tutor programme covers a broad range of topics which contributes to students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, alongside safety and well-being.

The PSHE education is ever evolving to ensure that we are responsive to our students needs and the changing society that surrounds them. This ensures that students have the knowledge to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible, and balanced lives – including supporting and informing students choices for each stage in their education and future career potential.

Finally, within the PSHE tutor programme, the relationships and sex education scheme is delivered, mirroring statutory guidance. The goal for this key curriculum aspect is to provide young people with the information they need to create healthy, caring relationships of all types, not only romantic connections. RSE material examines the characteristics of healthy and harmful relationships, as well as what constitutes a good friend, colleague, and a successful marriage, civil partnership, or committed engagement. At the proper time, the emphasis will shift to forming intimate connections in order the provide young people with the information they need to make safe, educated, and healthy choices as they enter adulthood. It will also cover subjects such as contraception, building personal relationships, and avoiding sexual pressure (and not applying pressure). Students will also understand what behaviours are acceptable and undesirable in relationships.

Curriculum Journey

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Year Group Specific Information