Chromebook & Internet Use Agreement

Please read and discuss the following information with your child and ensure they understand. This must be completed before students will be permitted to use their Chromebooks in school.

Health and Safety

It is important to be aware of the possible health risks of sitting in uncomfortable positions and staring at a screen for prolonged periods of time. Students will not be using Chromebooks in every lesson and we encourage students to take regular breaks when using their Chromebook at school and at home. For more information on the importance of the correct posture when using Chromebooks, please refer to this guide: 

Personal Safety
The likelihood of being approached outside of school by someone trying to steal your Chromebook is slim, but it is important that all students act safely to limit this risk. We recommend that students do not use Chromebook on buses to and from school to minimise risk of damage, loss or theft. If a student is approached and threatened, we implore them to hand over the Chromebook. Student safety is far more important than the devices. Any work completed on the Chromebook should be using their school account and will therefore be backed up to the cloud which limits the impact of their loss.

Device Safety
Chromebook should be looked after carefully at all times. They should not be left in unattended bags and care should be taken not to leave them in bags where they can be stepped on or accidentally kicked in classrooms, around school or elsewhere. Care should be taken to ensure that bags are not thrown to the floor when storing Chromebooks.

All internet usage at school is monitored using a third-party firewall system. Teachers have the right to confiscate, inspect and access files on Chromebooks and stored on our cloud.


There is a possibility that other students could access an unlocked Chromebook and view files stored on there and in the cloud. All students’ accounts will be protected by a password that only they and staff know. Students will be expected to lock their Chromebook whenever it is not in use. Any malicious attempt to access another student’s account will be dealt with in line with the behaviour policy.

Using the Camera
Most Chromebooks have a camera function. Issues regarding the use of photographs are covered in other policies. It is unlikely that students will be required to use the camera in the Chromebook but if they do, they should not take photos of other students unless absolutely necessary and only with their permission. Photos taken at school by students should never be shared by students on social media.

Email Etiquette
There will be times when students will need to share work with members of staff. There are several ways to do this on Chromebook, including the use of Microsoft Teams or via email. Students should only email using their school account and will only have access to staff’s school email addresses. As these are professional exchanges, students should write all messages and emails in a polite manner.

Social Networks
Students’ access to social media will be restricted on Chromebook in school. Our expectation is that all students do not access social media using their Chromebook. If students do, they will be sanctioned using the school’s behaviour policy and their Chromebook may be confiscated.

Appropriate use in School

Chromebooks will not be required for all lessons at school. Staff will inform students when they need to use them. When this is not the case, students are expected to keep their Chromebooks in their bags. Students found using their Chromebooks in lessons without permission will be issued a suitable sanction.

Students are not permitted to use Chromebooks during their breaks, unless they are in use at a homework club, or as directed by a teacher. 

Accessing the Internet
Student are only permitted to access the internet through the school's Wi-Fi network. Students must not use 'hot spots' from their mobile devices, or the mobile devices of other students. To do so will result in the confiscation of a Chromebook. 

Ready for Use
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that their Chromebook is charged and ready for lessons. Chromebooks are designed to last a full working day so charges should not be required during the day. Often it will not be possible to charge in lessons so students need to ensure that the device is fully charged when they arrive in school.

Appropriate Use
The use of the Chromebooks and the internet at school are a privilege and not a right. Students who are found to be using a Chromebook for purposes not intended by the school will have them confiscated and an appropriate sanction will be applied. All Chromebooks can also access the internet at home. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that the Chromebook is used in an appropriate manner in much the same way as the student’s own mobile device. Ultimately a Chromebook is a tool for learning and should be treated as such.

Inappropriate Use

Inappropriate use includes, although not limited to:
● Sending or displaying inappropriate messages or images
● Using inappropriate language
● Harassing or insulting others
● Malicious use of their laptop to damage other laptops or ICT
● Violating copyright law
● Accessing other students’ accounts including their profiles, files and information.

As noted above, the school has the right to either temporarily or permanently remove access to the school’s ICT systems (including the Chromebooks) should a student violate the Chromebook agreement. Additional disciplinary action may be used when appropriate. Where appropriate, local authorities or the police may be contacted.

If borrowing a device from STFS please be aware of the below:

The Chromebook is the property of Sir Thomas Fremantle School and will be given to another student when returned. It is therefore essential that the Chromebooks are well looked after. Whilst wear-and-tear damage might be expected (e.g. scratches on the case), all efforts should be made by the student to minimise any possibility of serious damage. In risk-assessing the use of Chromebooks, the most likely scenario for damage is either the dropping of the Chromebook or attempting to close it when a pen is resting on the keyboard. As such, students must not walk around the school with a Chromebook in their hand. It should be safely packed away in their bag. They should also never rest a pen on their keyboard. If either of these scenarios occur, the Chromebook will be taken from the student for a period of time and a sanction will be applied.

Faults and Damage

Any damage or faults needs to be reported to the school immediately. Damage deemed likely to have been caused intentionally or through misuse (e.g. missing keys on the keyboard) will result in the cost of repair being forwarded to the parent.

Where Chromebooks have been damaged beyond what is considered to be wear-and-tear or damaged through wilful actions or clear neglect, the cost of repair will be passed onto the parent of the student. If the device is damaged and cannot be repaired by our providers, parents will be charged the full cost of the device and the student will be able to keep the Chromebook.

Chromebook Student Agreement

The school has organised the use of Chromebooks with internet access to help your learning. These rules will keep you safe and help us be fair to others.

● I will only access the systems and my device with my own login and password, which I will keep secret. I will only use school WiFi to do so. I will not use 'hotspot' web access from any other mobile device.  

● I will take every precaution to keep my Chromebook safe from theft and damage. I will not access another person’s device or storage area, or interfere with other people's work or files.

● I will use the Chromebook for school work and homework. I will not waste time in school using the Chromebook for non-learning activities.

● I will not behave in a way that can cause damage to Chromebooks, ICT equipment or to IT installations. Wilful or neglectful damage of a device will result in a charge being passed on to the parent up to the cost of the Chromebook (as outlined above).

● The messages I send will be polite and responsible.

● I will not give my home address or telephone number, or arrange to meet someone, unless my parent or carer has given permission.

● I will report any unpleasant material or messages sent to me.

● I understand this report might not be confidential but would help protect other students and myself.

● The school will provide students & parents with a copy of this agreement.

● I will ensure that I bring the Chromebook to school each day and that it is fully charged at the beginning of the school day.

● I understand that the school may check my files and monitor the messages I send and the internet sites I visit in school and outside of school.

● I will not download apps, web-apps or extensions other than those approved by my teachers.