Drama - Year 9
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Knowledge | Key Skills - Intro to Auditions Using a variety of drama techniques to explore a range of monologues and learn how to bring the character to life and give meaning to the performance. | Devising - Steven Lawrence Scheme of Work using interview transcripts to bring to dramatically explore the events surroundung and following the murder of Steven Lawrence. | Practitioners - Boal Using a stimulus practically. Exploring and contributing to the devising process as part of a group. Selecting Boal’s techniques to meet aims and intention. Planning and rehearsing performance. | Plays - D.N.A. by Dennis Kelly This play explores status in groups of young people and highlights the consequences of choices made. Students will read, analyse and perform extracts of this play. | Plays - 100 Using the techniques explored in Augusto Boal’s work, students will explore this popular GCSE play and have the opportunity to use some classical theatrical techniques with a modern twist. | Plays - Page to Stage To further embed the skills learnt this year in all units, students will form groups, choose an extract and then rehearse, stage and perform - using appropriate techniques. |