E & P - Year 7

Autumn Spring Summer
KnowledgeComparative Religions
We look at how religion has developed and how this is linked to human societies. We identify the major religions and look for similarities and differences. We look at where the religions expanded to and why. We consider how religion is defined.
We look at how Christianity has developed, the life of Jesus, Christian celebrations, the Christian moral code, how Christianity changed over time, Christianity as a worldwide religion and the ecumenical movement, the Church and worship and finally leaders within Christianity.
We look at the key beliefs within Sikhism. We look at the importance of Gurus, and consider the ceremonies of commitment. We look at the Gurdwara and it’s place within Sikhism. We consider the relevance of the Guru Granth Sahib, and key people within Sikhism. We look at what it might be like to live as a Sikh.