Latest News - 8th March 2024
Safeguarding update
Safeguarding is a top priority here at Sir Thomas Fremantle School. Our staff work tirelessly to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all of our students. To assist us in ensuring the safety of all or our student please note the following updates:
Toilet Cubicles
Over the last half term we have seen an increase in the number of students using the same toilet cubicle. It is important that students understand that this puts themselves at risk as we are not able to monitor their interactions. Any student that is found to be in a toilet cubicle with another student will be given a C3 for being out of bounds and will also be subject to a search by members of the senior team.
Filtering and Monitoring of Internet Searches
Please can you remind your children that all internet searches (Google, Bing etc..) on their school laptops will be monitored and when an inappropriate word is used we are alerted immediately. Heads of Year or Form Tutors will then investigate the nature of the search and if needed a sanction will be put in place.
Mornings between 8.00am – 8.20am
Students that arrive between this time are allowed onto school site and should be located on the ground floor only, this means they have access to the cafeteria and the outside grounds. Students are not able to access the upper levels of the school building until 8.20am.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Exam Stress Support
We have arranged some sessions with the Bucks Mental Health Support Team to support our Yr11 students through their exams.
More details on the poster below.