Latest News - 23rd February 2024

Absence Reminder

Please remember to let us know before 8.30am if your child will be absent that day, and every subsequent day. (This is a legal requirement.)

The easiest way to do this is by sending an email to or by phoning 01296 711853 and leaving a message.

Save these details to your phone book so you always have them to hand.

Secondary Teacher of the Year Awards

Buckinghamshire School Awards are celebrating the wonderful work teachers and school staff deliver across the county. The Student Voice team will be meeting tomorrow or early next week to discuss the exciting opportunity to nominate one member of our teaching staff for the award of Secondary Teacher of the Year 2024.

Posters will be displayed around the school site and students can get a nomination form from reception. Once they have nominated a teacher and written up to 500 words to explain why they think their selected teacher deserves to win, they need to return the form to reception. I will collate all of the nominations and, along with a selected few members of the Student Voice body, will narrow down which teacher has been selected for this award.

Students will be able to nominate any teacher until 5pm on Wednesday 20th March 2024 and our finalist will be submitted to Buckinghamshire Council by 5pm on Thursday 28 March. Rest assured, there will be judging criteria to ensure that this is a fair nomination and our entry will explain why our nomination meets these criteria. Only one teacher can be nominated per school. Judging for the Student Voice awards will be undertaken by the young people in our county-wide Youth Voice forum, the Buckinghamshire Youth Voice Executive.

Uniform Donations

Our new online school shop has been so successful, our stocks are already running low!

If you have any uniform items that no longer fit your child, please consider donating them and drop them off to the school office.

100% of the proceeds from the sale of uniform is given to the students to spend on something they choose.

Student Achievements

Our students are involved in some incredible activities outside of school and we would love to celebrate these with the school community and beyond.

Please let us know of anything your child takes part in so we can recognise their hard work and achievement. (If they are happy for us to do this of course; we know not every student is comfortable with public praise.)

Upcoming Key Dates


Latest News - 1st March 2024


Latest News - 16th February 2024