Sociology - Year 10

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
KnowledgeIntroducing Sociology Introducing Sociology Research MethodsResearch MethodsFamilies Families
High frequency vocabulary and grammatical structures taughtAdolescence • Agency of socialisation • Arranged marriage • Attitude survey • Bias • Bigamy • Blended (or reconstituted) family • Canalization • Case study • Census • Child rearing • Childhood • Class deal (in relation to working-class women) • Closed question • Cohabitation • Commune • Competition (in a variety of contexts) • Confidentiality • Conformity • Conjugal relationships • Conjugal role • Consensus • Content analysis • Continuity • Conventional family • Covert observation • Crisis of masculinity • Data • Data analysis Kibbutz
• Kin
• Kinship
• Life chances
• Life expectancy
• Lifestyle
• Lone parent family
• Longitudinal study
• Male domination (of society)
• Marriage
• Marxism
• Marxist
• Mass media
• Matriarch
• Matriarchal family
• Middle class
• Mixed methods research
• Monogamy
• New man
• News value
• Non-participant observation
• Norms
• Nuclear family
• Observation
• Open question
• Participant observation
• Particularistic standards
• Patriarchal family
• Patriarchy
• Pluralism
• Polyandry
• Polygamy
• Polygyny
• Popular press
• Population
• Primary data
• Primary socialisation
• Principle of stratified diffusion
• Privatised (nuclear family)
• Privatised instrumentalism (social relationships centred on the home)
• Propaganda
• Qualitative data
• Quality press
• Quantitative data
• Questionnaire
• Quota sample
• Racial discrimination
• RacismRandom sample
• Reconstituted (or blended) family
• Reliability
• Representative data/sample
• Research
• Respondent
• Role conflict
• Roles
• Rural
• Sample
• Sampling frame
• Secondary data
• Secondary socialisation
• Secularisation
• Segregated conjugal roles
• Selective use of data
• Separate spheres (in relation to the role of women)
• Serial monogamy
• Sex (gender) discrimination
• Sex (gender) equality
• Sexism
• Snowball sample
• Social change/changing social attitudes
• Social class/socio-economic class
• Social cohesion
• Social construct
• Social control (formal and informal)
• Social convention
• Social exclusion
• Social inequality
• Social mobility
• Social network
• Social order
• Social stigma
• Social stratification
• Socialisation
• Socially defined behaviour
• Society
• Status
• Step parent
• Stereotype
• Survey
• Symmetrical family
• Systematic sample
• Technological change
• Theoretical perspective
• Traditional family roles
• Trend (in relation to data) Triangulation (in relation to social research)
• Unrepresentative data/sample
• Unstructured interview
• Universal standards
• Urban
• Validity
• Value consensus
• Values
• Welfare state
• Work life balance
• Working class
• World view
• Youth culture.
AssessmentAssessment: An appropriate example from a past paper.Assessment: An appropriate example from a past paper.