Sociology - Year 11

Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
KnowledgeEducationCrime and DevianceSocial Stratification
High frequency vocabulary and grammatical structures taughtAcademy • Achievement (in education) • Anti-school sub-culture • Attitude survey • Bias • Case study • Census • Citizenship • Closed question • Competition (in a variety of contexts) • Comprehensive school • Compulsory state education • Confidentiality • Conformity • Consensus • Content analysis • Continuity • Correspondence principle • Counter school subculture • Covert observation • Cultural capital • Cultural deprivation • Cultural values • Culture • Curriculum • Dark figure of crime • Data • Data analysis • Data protection • De-schooling • Discrimination • Economy• Education
• Education reform
• Egalitarian
• Eleven plus
• Employment
• Ethical considerations
• Ethnic diversity
• Ethnic group
• Ethnic minority
• Ethnicity
• Ethnocentric curriculum
• Ethnography
• Ethos (of the school)
• Exclusion (from school)
• Expectations
• Fee paying, public, independent or private school
• Feminism
• Feminists
• Focus group
• Formal curriculum
• Formal education
• Free school
• Functionalism
• Functionalists • League tables in education
• Life chances
• Lifestyle
• Lone parent family
• Longitudinal study
• Marketization of education
• Marxism
• Marxist
• Mass media
• Master status
• Middle class
• Mixed ability
• Mixed methods research
• News value
• Non-participant observation
• Norms
• Observation
• Ofsted
• Open question
• Organised religion
• Participant observation
• Particularistic standards
• Pluralism
• Popular press
• Primary data
• Privatisation (economy)
• Propaganda
• Public examinations
• Qualitative data
• Quality press
• Quantitative data
• Questionnaire
• Quota sample
• Racial discrimination
• Racism
• Random sample
• Reliability
• Representative data/sample
• Research
• Respondent
• Role conflict
• Roles
• Rural
• Sample
• Sampling frame
• Sanctions
• SATs
• Secondary data
• Functionally important roles
• Further education
• Gender
• Gender roles
• Gendered curriculum
• Glass ceiling (in relation to women in employment)
• Hidden curriculum
• Higher education
• Home tuition
• Hypothesis
• Image
• Immigrant
• Immigration
• Inclusion (in education)
• Income
• Informal education
• Informed consent
• Institutional racism
• Intelligence quotient
• Interactionism
• Interest groups
• Interview Secondary socialisation
• Selective schools
• Selective use of data
• Self-fulfilling prophecy
• Setting in education
• Sex (gender) discrimination
• Sex (gender) equality
• Sexism
• Snowball sample
• Social change/changing social attitudes
• Social class/socio-economic class
• Social cohesion
• Social construct
• Social control (formal and informal)
• Social convention
• Social exclusion
• Social inequality
• Social mobility
• Social network
• Social stratification
• Socialisation
• Socially defined behaviour
• Society
• Special school
• Specialist school
• Status
• Stereotype
• Subculture
• Survey
• Systematic sample
• Teacher expectations
• Technological change
• Theoretical perspective
• Trend (in relation to data)
• Triangulation (in relation to social research)
• Tripartite system
• Unrepresentative data/sample
• Unstructured interview
• Universal standards
• Urban
• Validity
• Value consensus
• Values
• Vocationalism in education (work related curriculum)
• Welfare state
• Working class
• World view
• Youth culture.
Agenda setting (and the media in relation to crime/deviance) • Agent of social control • Alienation • Anomie • Anti-social behaviour • Attitude survey • Bias • Case study • Census • Chivalry thesis • Closed question • Community service • Confidentiality • Conformity • Consensus • Content analysis • Continuity • Control theory (in relation to women and crime) • Corporate crime • Covert observation • Crime • Crime rate • Criminal justice system • Criminal subculture • Dark figure of crime • Data • Data analysis • Data protection • Delinquency • Deviance • Deviancy amplification • Deviant career • Discrimination • Economy • Established (state) church • Ethical considerations • Ethnic diversity • Ethnic group • Ethnic minority • Ethnicity • Ethnography • Expectations • Feminism • Feminists • Focus group Folk devils
• Functionalism
• Functionalists
• Functionally important roles
• Fundamentalism
• Gender
• Gender and criminality
• Gender deal (in relation to working-class women)
• Gender roles
• Hypothesis
• Identity
• Identity theft
• Image
• Indictable offence
• Informed consent
• Injustice
• Institutional racism
• Intelligence quotient
• Interactionism
• Interview
• Judiciary
• Labelling
• Law
• Legislation
• Legislative process
• Legislature
• Life chances
• Longitudinal study
• Magistrate
• Male domination (of society)
• Marxism
• Marxist
• Mass media
• Master status
• Media amplification
• Media stereotype
• Miscarriage of justice
• Mixed methods research
• Moral panic
• National curriculum
• News value
• Non-indictable offence
• Non-participant observation
• Norms
• Observation
• Official crime statistics
• Open question
• Participant observationPluralism
• Police caution
• Popular press
• Poverty (linked to crime)
• Primary data
• Prison system
• Privatisation (economy)
• Probation system
• Propaganda
• Qualitative data
• Quality press
• Quantitative data
• Questionnaire
• Quota sample
• Racial discrimination
• Racism
• Random sample
• Recorded crime
• Reliability
• Reported crime
• Representative data/sample
• Research
• Respondent
• Right of appeal
• Role conflict
• Roles
• Rural
• Sample
• Sampling frame
• Sanctions
• Scapegoat
• Secondary data
• Selective use of data
• Self-fulfilling prophecy
• Self-report study
• Sex (gender) discrimination
• Sex (gender) equality
• Sexism
• Snowball sample
• Social change/changing social attitudes
• Social class/socio-economic class
• Social cohesion
• Social construct
• Social control (formal and informal)
• Social convention
• Social exclusion
• Social order
• Social stigma Social stratification
• Socialisation
• Socially defined behaviour
• Society
• Status
• Status frustration
• Stereotype
• Subculture
• Surveillance
• Survey
• Systematic sample
• Technological change
• Terrorism
• Theoretical perspective
• Trend (in relation to data)
• Triangulation (in relation to social research)
• Unrepresentative data/sample
• Unstructured interview
• Unwritten rules
• Urban
• Validity
• Value consensus
• Values
• Victim survey
• Welfare scrounger/benefit cheat
• White collar crime
• World view
• Youth crime.
Absolute poverty • Achieved status • Affluence • Ageism • Aristocracy • Ascribed status • Assimilation • Asylum seeker • Attitude survey • Authority • Bias • Bourgeois • Bourgeoisie • Bureaucracy • Bureaucratic authority • Capitalism Capitalist
• Case study
• Caste
• Censorship
• Census
• Charismatic authority
• Class alignment
• Class dealignment
• Class struggle
• Classless society
• Class struggle
• Classless society
• Closed question
• Communism
• Community
• Competition (in a variety of contexts)
• Confidentiality
• Conformity
• Consensus
• Constituency
• Content analysis
• Continuity
• Covert observation
• Culture of dependency
• Cycle of deprivation
• Dark figure of crime
• Data
• Data analysis
• Data protection
• Deferential
• Dictatorship
• Direct action
• Discrimination
• Distribution (of power and of wealth)
• Economy
• Egalitarian
• Elite
• Embourgeoisement
• Emigration
• Employment
• Environmental poverty
• Ethical considerations
• Ethnic diversity
• Ethnic group
• Ethnic minority
• Ethnicity
• Ethnography
• Expectations False class consciousness
• Fascism
• Feminism
• Feminists
• Feudalism
• First past the post (electoral system)
• Focus group
• Functionalism
• Functionalists
• Functionally important roles
• Gatekeeper (mass media)
• Gender
• Gender roles
• Glass ceiling (in relation to women in employment)
• Hypothesis
• Image
• Immigrant
• Immigration
• Income
• Industrial dispute
• Informed consent
• Institutional racism
• Interactionism
• Interest groups
• Intergenerational
• Interview
• Isolation (social and family)
• Left and right wing
• Legal rational authority
• Liberal democratic values
• Life chances
• Life expectancy
• Lifestyle
• Longitudinal study
• Lumpenproletariat
• Male domination (of society)
• Market situation (in relation to Weber on class)
• Marxism
• Marxist
• Mass media
• Means of production
• Means testing
• Member of Parliament
• Meritocracy
• Middle class
• Migration
• Mixed methods research
• Monarchy Multiculturalism
• Nation state
• Neo-conservatism
• Neo-liberalism
• New Right
• New social movement
• News value
• Non-participant observation
• Norms
• Observation
• Oligarchy
• Open question
• Organised religion
• Participant observation
• Patriarchy
• Petty Bourgeoisie
• Pluralism
• Political party
• Political socialisation
• Popular press
• Poverty
• Poverty trap
• Power
• Prejudice
• Pressure group
• Primary data
• Prime Minister
• Privatisation (economy)
• Proletarianisation
• Proletariat
• Propaganda
• Proportional representation
• Qualitative data
• Quality press
• Quantitative data
• Questionnaire
• Quota sample
• Racial discrimination
• Racism
• Random sample
• Relative deprivation
• Relative income standard of poverty
• Relative poverty
• Reliability
• Representative data/sample
• Research
• Respondent
• Role conflict Roles
• Ruling class ideology
• Sample
• Sampling frame
• Secondary data
• Selective benefits
• Selective use of data
• Sex (gender) discrimination
• Sex (gender) equality
• Sexism
• Slavery
• Snowball sample
• Social change/changing social attitudes
• Social class/socio-economic class
• Social cohesion
• Social construct
• Social control (formal and informal)
• Social exclusion
• Social inequality
• Social mobility
• Social network
• Social order
• Social security
• Social stratification
• Socialisation
• Socialism
• Society
• State standard of poverty
• Status
• Subjective class
• Subjective poverty
• Surplus wealth
• Survey
• Systematic sample
• Technological change
• Theoretical perspective
• Trade union
• Traditional authority
• Trend (in relation to data)
• Triangulation (in relation to social research)
• Underclass
• Under-employment
• Unemployment
• Universal benefits
• Unrepresentative data/sample
• Unstructured interview
• Upper class
• Validity • Value consensus
• Values
• Wage
• Wealth
• Welfare benefits
• Welfare reform
• Welfare scrounger/benefit cheat
• Welfare state
• White collar worker
• Work life balance
• Working class
• World view.
AssessmentAssessment: An appropriate example from a past paper.Assessment: An appropriate example from a past paper.Assessment: An appropriate example from a past paper.