Spanish - Year 7
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
Knowledge | All about me (GCSE theme 1) 1. Basic greetings – how are you and what is your name 2. Classroom target language 3. The alphabet 4. Transcribing and spelling out French acronyms 5. Numbers 1-31 6. Asking and giving age 7. The date - days of the week and months 8. Asking and giving your birthday 9. Describing school equipment 10. Phonics – OH, AH, EU sounds | All about me (GCSE theme 1) 1. Opinions and Hobbies 2. Justifying opinions 3. Colours 4. Pets 5. Family 6. Where you live 7. Phonics – T, SH, AYYE sounds 8. Francophone world/where French is spoken beyond France | School life (GCSE theme 1) 1. Opinions on school subjects 2. Justifying school subjects 3. Telling the time – quarter to, half past, quarter past 4. Telling the time – full explanation 5. Describing a school timetable 6. Phonics – AY, EEY, ON, GN, AIN, WAH, K 7. Dictionary skills 8. La Chandeleur | School life (GCSE theme 1) 1. Uniform 2. Classroom facilities 3. School facilities 4. Daily routine 5. Speaking skills 6. Listening skills 7. Reading skills 8. Writing skills 9. Pâques | Myself and my hobbies (GCSE theme 1) 1. Describing your appearance 2. Describing other’s appearance 3. Describing your personality 4. Describing other people’s personality 5. Sports you play 6. jouer – er verbs in the present 7. Activities you do 8. What activities you do in what weather/season 9. The verb “faire” in the present 10. What you like to do in your free time and why 11. Negation 12. Petanque | Where I live (GCSE theme 2) 1. My house 2. My dream house 3. What’s in my town 4. Opinion on my town 5. Directions 6. Authentic film study – Le Petit Nicolas (while recapping vocabulary of clothes, hair/eye colour, colours, family and school) |
High frequency vocabulary and grammatical structures taught | 1. New- -ez ending of imperative verbs 2. New- Question word – quel(le) 3. New- Indefinite articles and noun genders – un/une/des 4. New- Il y a + indefinite article 5. New- Il n’y a pas de 6. New- adding an –s on plural nouns 7. Phonics – OH, AH, EU sounds | 1. New- Question word – tu aimes…? 2. New- Connectives – et, mais, aussi, surtout 3. New- Opinions- j’aime, j’adore, je n’aime pas, je déteste 4. New- Definite articles – le/la/les/l’ 5. New- Opinions + definite articles grammar point 6. New- pourquoi? 7. New- Reasons – génial, cool, intéressant, super, nul, ennuyeux 8. New- Adjective order &agreements 9. New- As-tu..? 10. New- J’ai 11. New-Je n’ai pas de 12. New-Je voudrais 13. New-Possessive adjectives – mon, ma, mes 14. New- où 15. New-Adjectives grand(e)/petit(e) 16. Phonics – T, SH, AYYE sounds | 1. Recap question word- tu aimes…? 2. Recap opinions- j’adore, j’aime, j’aime assez, je n’aime pas, je déteste 3. Recap opinion + definite articles - le/la/les/l’ 4. Reasons- c’est facile, c’est difficile, c’est intéressant, c’est amusant, c’est créatif, c’est nul, le/la prof est sympa/sévère 6. Recap connectives 7. New- intensifiers- très, vraiment, assez, trop 8. Recap – question word quelle 9. Phonics – AY, EEY, ON, GN, AN, WAH, K 10. Dictionary skills | 1. Recap adjective agreements + order 2. Recap Noun genders + indefinite article 3. New- je/on/il/elle porte 4. New- Je voudrais porter 5. Recap – il y a + definite articles, il n’y a pas de, je voudrais 6. New- Describing a photo – Sur la photo il y a 7. New - Combien 8. Recap –s when plural 9. New- reflexive verbs 10. Recap question words 11. Explicit teaching of skills/strategies- reading, listening, writing and speaking | 1. Recap – j’ai 2. New- avoir (whole paradigm) in the present tense 3. Recap- Je suis, je ne suis pas 4. Recap intensifiers – très, assez, trop, un peu 5. Recap adjective agreement rules 6. New- Etre (whole paradigm) in present tense 7. New- Je joue au/à la/aux 8. New-Conjugating –er verbs in the present 9. New- Je fais du/de la/des 10. Recap-qu’est-ce que, quand 12. New- Faire (whole paradigm) in the present tense 13. New- Opinion + infinitive + because it’s + reasons 14. New- Negation – ne…pas, ne…jamais | 1. Recap - Il y a + indefinite article /il n’y a pas de 2. New- Il y aurait (conditional) 3. Recap sentence structure – Opinion + noun + parce que + c’est + intensifier + reason 4. Recap question word - où 5. Recap –ez imperatives |
Assessment | End of module formative vocabulary, reading and translation test (closed book) | End of term summative listening and dictation test (closed book) | End of module formative vocabulary, translation and writing test (closed book) | End of module summative speaking focusing on unprepared conversation (closed book) | Formative vocabulary and writing test (closed book) | Summative vocabulary, translation and reading assessment (closed book) |
Cultural Capital Careers Cross Curricular Links | Pronouncing important French acronyms e.g. un BD, PSG, le TGV Etymology – the ending “di” on days of the week comes from the latin word “day” In France, students must provide their own school equipment | Students express opinions on famous French art masterpieces displayed around the round Students practise their learning of family vocab by interpreting the family tree of Napoleon 1st To learn about the profession of a translator through a creative translation workshop lesson of a Caribbean Christmas song Awareness of the wider francophone world by studying a Caribbean song | To highlight how learning to express opinions and justifications in a foreign language is a transferable skill for the world of work Differences between French and English school system e.g. no school on Wednesday in France French schools often named after famous historical figures Etymology recap – the ending “di” on days of the week comes from the latin word “day” The tradition and history of crêpes and la Chandeleur in France | Cultural differences between French and English schools – school facilities and no uniform Customs of Easter in France | To look at where languages can take you in the future as a sports lover (Arsenal football club video example) The cultural significance of the sport “pétanque” Outdoor learning opportunity playing petanque on the pitch outside | Cultural capital – engaging with authentic material watching Le Petit Nicolas and experiencing watching a foreign film with sub-titles |