Useful Contacts
Please add these contacts to your address book, so you always have them handy.
School Office
01296 711853
If you're not sure who to contact, our friendly reception team will direct your call or email to the most appropriate person.
Admissions Officer
Josie Tegg, our Admissions Officer can help with any queries relating to changing school and joining us at STFS.
Attendance Officer
If your child misses school, Hannah Dobbs, our Attendance Officer, needs to know. Please contact her to discuss any issues relating to any school absence.
Medical Officer
Julia Carter, our Medical Officer is here to support our students and their families with any health or medical needs. Please get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss with her.
Office Manager
Joleen Russell, our Office Manager can help with most queries, and specifically any IT issues with the systems we use, queries relating to Free School Meals and Pupil Premium, and any questions about the communication between home and school. Please keep her updated with any changes of address or contact details.
All our teachers can be contacted directly by email. A list of who's who and their email addresses can be found in the staff directory on our website. Please add your child's Form Tutor to your address book, as they will be your first point of call for any teaching & learning or student wellbeing queries. (We'll let you know who your child's Form Tutor is on Transition Day.)