Farewell Y11!
Dear Parents & Carers of Y11,
Today marks a significant day in your child’s education. It’s their last required day in school as a year group before Study Leave starts after half term. I know the Miss Millers and the team have put together a memorable day for everyone.
Whilst it is the last day, their work with us continues and exams carry on after half term. Please continue with your support to encourage them to revise over the half term and on non-exam days after the break – it’s the final push! They’ve been doing so well with their revision, and they’ve given it their all. As a father of a son in Y11 I know very well the balance of revision, social and exercise.
This won’t be our last correspondence, but I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you all and I can say it has been a privilege to watch your child develop into a mature young student. They’ve overcome so much over the years and the missed learning during COVID can never be under-estimated. I am extremely proud of everyone!
Success for a young person can be so different – for some it’s crossing the threshold into school, for some it’s performing on stage or competing on the pitch! What I hope your child feels as they end their time with us is that they’ve grown and developed ready to take on the next challenge.
We will of course continue to support them throughout this term. Their teachers will all remain available to them for study after half term.
I wish each and everyone of our amazing Y11 team the very best of luck for their exams and their future.
I’ve included a short video for your child in my absence today.
Have a lovely half term!
Best wishes
Francis Murphy
Head Teacher