Latest News - 9th February 2024
Year 11
With GCSE’s and the second set of mocks fast approaching, we wanted to remind both parents and students of the support we have on offer for our students.
After half term we have a large number of revision opportunities for students to attend. The revision sessions are both during the school day and after school until 4.30pm. Some of the sessions will be invite only so that targeted interventions can take place.
The programme is as follows:
In addition to the revision programme we will also be utilising our 30 minutes in form to support with additional revision. The tutor programme is below for your reference. Students will be expected to use this time wisely, we have specifically allocated one revision session to be completed without devices, to enable students to complete revision notes, past papers etc. If your child requires any specific revision materials please feel free to contact their subject teacher for advice.
We will continue to update parents with any additional revision/exam support over the coming weeks.
Please feel free to contact Laura Millers, Head of Y11 at for any additional support or guidance.
Online Shop
We’re open!
Our online shop mainly sells preloved uniform that has been donated when students have out-grown it, or moved on to the next phase of their education. Plus some frequently requested new equipment and uniform items.
All income generated from the sale of donated uniform is given back to the students, for something they choose.
The shop has been extremely popular in its first two days of business and stocks are already running low! If you’re having a clear out over the half-term and have any uniform you would like to donate, please drop it off to the school office.
Student Council
On Tuesday 6th February, we saw the very first School Council meeting which was established earlier this half term. The School Council will be given a large amount of responsibility over the coming months to help liaise with their peers to make decisions that will help to improve their school life. The student voice is a powerful tool and we are excited to see how this develops.
The meeting foci for this week was linked to the school environment and rewards. The group listened to Mrs Elmes and I about some possible ideas we would like to introduce. The group discussed these concepts with their peers and have already started to put forward their own thoughts and views. This will now be disseminated to the rest of the school community and feedback will take place later this week. The group worked extremely well showing an excellent level of maturity.
We very much look forward to meeting with the group again next half term.
Wellbeing Workshops
There are still a few spaces left for the Buckinghamshire Family Learning Wellbeing Workshops.
Microsoft Teams Messaging
During the February half term our IT support will be making some system changes. As a result, Teams chat will no longer be available to students. As an alternative students are encouraged to use their school emails as a means of communication with teaching staff on homework and school queries.