Latest News - 2nd February 2024
Zero Negatives Celebration Event
Next Friday we will be celebrating all the students who have not received a negative behaviour (ClassCharts) point this academic year.
Eligible students will receive an invitation to the Celebration Cinema Event early next week.
Well done to them all!
Did you know…
…all staff email addresses are in the Staff Directory on our website. The video below will show you how to find them.
Wellbeing Workshops
Buckinghamshire Family Learning have released new dates for their popular Wellbeing Workshops.
Y10 GCSE Geography Trip
If your child is going on the Geography Trip later this month, please check your inbox for an information video and kit list sent home today.
Microsoft Teams Messaging
During the February half term our IT support will be making some system changes. As a result, Teams chat will no longer be available to students. As an alternative students are encouraged to use their school emails as a means of communication with teaching staff on homework and school queries.