Latest News - 26th January 2024
We are bursting with pride this week as one of our students, Lara Miles (Y8) has been selected for the U13 England Ice Hockey Team.
She is one of just 14 girls selected to represent England through a gruelling and nerve-wracking set of trials spanning several weeks.
Well done Lara - we are all so proud of you.
Huge congratulations to Harrison Cairns, Bethany Lloyd, Angelique Marina, Leo Montgomery, William Seely, Dora Smith, Hannah Wlodarczyk and Tom Williams - who all represented STFS at Action4Youth’s Big Challenge Lunch and won the Ultimate Challenge Cup!
Teams of Year 10 to Year 13 students from Buckinghamshire and MK schools competed across 10 challenge stations in a race against the clock for glory.
A fantastic achievement - well done!
Y8 French Residential Trip
The Y8 French residential trip to St Omer and Lille Christmas market is still open for booking. If your child would like to take part, please sign them up via ParentPay as soon as possible.
Please note: This trip is for the current Y8 who will be in Y9 when the trip takes place.
If your child is unable to attend school, the best way to tell us is by email to
Please add this email to your address book so you always have it handy and remember to let us know before 8.30am.
We’ve had several queries about student lateness this week. Here are some key points:
Students should be in their tutor rooms by 8.30am - ideally making their way there as soon as they hear the first bell at 8.25am.
Students who arrive to their tutor room after 8.30am will be marked late, even if they arrived to school earlier.
If a student arrives to school after 8.30am, we have to mark them as late, regardless of the reason. (School registers are a legal document and must accurately record the time students arrive to school.) However, students will not be sanctioned for reasons out of their control - a late bus, for example.
Upcoming Key Dates